
Healthy Weight and Blood Sugar through Evidence-Based Ingredients

Healthy Weight and Blood Sugar through Evidence...

Obesity and high blood sugar levels together have given rise to a wide range of health complications in the United States. This includes cardiovascular and kidney disease as well as...

Healthy Weight and Blood Sugar through Evidence...

Obesity and high blood sugar levels together have given rise to a wide range of health complications in the United States. This includes cardiovascular and kidney disease as well as...

Choosing Probiotics for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Choosing Probiotics for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Some research suggests that probiotics — a type of beneficial bacteria found in the digestive tract — could help alleviate symptoms of IBS and promote regularity.

Choosing Probiotics for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Some research suggests that probiotics — a type of beneficial bacteria found in the digestive tract — could help alleviate symptoms of IBS and promote regularity.

Differences in Omega-3/Fish Oil (Rx vs Supplement)

Differences in Omega-3/Fish Oil (Rx vs Supplement)

Omega-3, Fish Oils Prescription vs Supplement Overview: Consuming omega-3 fatty acids, particularly the long-chain omega-3s found in fish and seafood (also known as fish oil), has been associated with significant...

Differences in Omega-3/Fish Oil (Rx vs Supplement)

Omega-3, Fish Oils Prescription vs Supplement Overview: Consuming omega-3 fatty acids, particularly the long-chain omega-3s found in fish and seafood (also known as fish oil), has been associated with significant...

Dietary Supplement Quality and Ingredients

Dietary Supplement Quality and Ingredients

Dietary supplements are supposed to be designed to support wellness and while many manufacturers strive to provide safe, quality ingredients; not all do. Quality in vitamins and supplements is not...

Dietary Supplement Quality and Ingredients

Dietary supplements are supposed to be designed to support wellness and while many manufacturers strive to provide safe, quality ingredients; not all do. Quality in vitamins and supplements is not...

Important Vitamins for Brain Health

Important Vitamins for Brain Health

There are some important vitamins that are responsible for key functions in your body and in your brain. As you can probably gather, maintaining health has many facets. One such...

Important Vitamins for Brain Health

There are some important vitamins that are responsible for key functions in your body and in your brain. As you can probably gather, maintaining health has many facets. One such...

Intermittent Fasting – Good For Gut Health?

Intermittent Fasting – Good For Gut Health?

Is Intermittent Fasting Good For Gut Health? In a new study recently presented at the annual meeting of the American Physiology Summit in Long Beach, CA, researchers from the Arizona...

Intermittent Fasting – Good For Gut Health?

Is Intermittent Fasting Good For Gut Health? In a new study recently presented at the annual meeting of the American Physiology Summit in Long Beach, CA, researchers from the Arizona...