The potential for adverse impacts on neurological health (the health of the brain and nerves) is increasing and becoming more prevalent due to increased lifespan, environmental toxicity, and poor diet with subsequent nutrient deficiencies. Mitochondrial sufficiency appears to be at the foundation of brain and nerve health. The mitochondria, the cell’s energy-producing powerhouse, are also a significant source of free radical production, even in healthy individuals. The aging process, poor diet, and environmental toxins can stress the body’s built-in antioxidant system, making it less capable of quenching free radicals. Several nutrients can mitigate these activities.* Thorne supplements help maintain neurological health.*
Health Focus:ADHD, Anxiety/Stress, Athletic/Physical, Brain Health, Cognitive Function, Depression, Energy/Stamina, General Wellness, Memory, Mental Health
Claims for health uses are based on evidence acquired from independent and group research which showed to provide the health improvements which were ascertained from different studies of certain natural substances. It is important to note that these claims have not been evaluated or endorsed by the FDA. You should consult a physician prior to changing any prescription regimen or implementing herbal substances on top of prescribed medications. Always do research that is independent and make informed decisions based on your best judgement. Improvement or various health uses of products will only likely show results with adherence to nutrient intake.
Health Focus:ADHD, Anxiety/Stress, Athletic/Physical, Brain Health, Cognitive Function, Depression, Energy/Stamina, General Wellness, Memory, Mental Health